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Letter From the Past President

Dear Driver Educator,

Consider attending the SCDTSEA Conference that will be at Blythewood's SCDMV December 1. A draft of the conference schedule includes engaging speakers with interesting topics such as:

Andy Pilgrim: Driver Education and the coming Autonomous Vehicle Revolution and New Tools coming soon for Driver Education.
Greg Mangan: Fun in the classroom.
Bill Rhyne: Respecting motorists
Darren Tessitore: Truth about drugs
Cindy Hutto: SC class D road test procedures

At the conference we want to award colleagues and schools that show dedication, involvement and having good results in driver and traffic safety education. Even Scripture advocates giving honor where honor is due—“Render therefore to all their dues; tribute to where tribute is due; custom to where custom...honor to where honor” (Romans 13:7). SCDTSEA wants you to recommend outstanding administrators, officers, teachers and schools. Lance Collins and I have been appointed to request and receive your input and then the Executive Committee will select the ones to honor. Please send names, schools and reasons for your recommendations to

Lance and I also have been asked to solicit names of colleagues who desire to share their leadership to the state level with SCDTSEA. Please consider this request and respond if you are proud of what you have done at your school and community and would like to get involved as an officer or board member of SCDTSEA.

I will end with some quotations relating to our field:

“Given the present day traffic situation in the United States and the high fatality rate of the young, it seems clear that some kind of preparation for driving in today's traffic is necessary.”
National Transportation Safety Board, U. S. Department of Transportation

“No cause, not even the highest and purest, can prosper in our day without making education its ally.”
Horace Mann

“Regardless of the effectiveness of driver education/driver training in reducing accidents, it does prepare young people to operate a vehicle on the road, and not even the loudest of critics has suggested that they join the traffic system unprepared, or that early training be turned over once again to parents or friends. Thus the question seems to be not whether driver education/driver training should be continued, but how can it be improved”
A Practical Plan For Driver Training by James L. Malfetti

Yours for Safety,

Joe Sabbadino
Past President, SCDTSEA