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2022 SCDTSEA Conference Details

November 18 will come sooner than we expect. If you plan to attend and have not already registered, fill out this registration form and mail it in ASAP (still can get the early registration fee). The SCDTSEA conference will be at Columbia's Criminal Justice Academy (5400 Broad River Road)! Our theme will be “Responsible Teaching For Responsible Driving.” Registration will be 7:30 - 8:15 a.m.

As usual, we will start with Dr. Albert Neal's welcome, inspiring words, and prayer for the conference. Major Florence McCants will give a welcome from the Academy. There will be a few state speakers, Officers Brian Lee and Matt Southern. The conference wouldn't be complete without Andy Pilgrim being with us again, informing and exhorting. Darren Tessitore will speak on alcohol and drugs. Our president is very excited about having a round table discussion regarding classroom and behind-the-wheel instruction. Some of David's emails mentioned “I want the people who come to this conference to be able to take 1-2 ideas back from what veteran teachers have learned and shared…to make their school better for their clients.”

I will close by sharing a tip of something that I will be doing for my 2023 classes. So many parents have mentioned that they are very nervous driving with their teens. I studied the internet about reasonable priced student driver magnetic signs that parents can use. I purchased some from Walmart online—three signs for $6.29. I purchased enough to give one to each family. This is a great school deductible expense. It probably will be some of the best advertisement for your school besides being a quality driver educator!!

Hope to see you at the November 18 SCDTSEA Conference!

Best regards,


Joe Sabbadino
Past President, SCDTSEA